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  • Writer's pictureY.M. Dugas

Forget Not

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:” (Psalms 103:2)

We love to tell the events of the Bible where God showed Himself strong. These events are preached so frequently, we know them by hard. We tell them to our children. We call them stories, but they are true events. These are not parables, fables or tales. They are the true accounts of Almighty God showing Himself strong in those who had faith to believe He would deliver and help.

We tell how miraculously God rescued Noah and the animals on earth from the flood that killed every living creature, of David how he fought Goliath with just stones and a sling, of Moses parting the Red Sea and of Joseph who rose from slavery to the highest position in Egypt. We marvel at how mightily God showed His grace, mercy and power.

But how has God showed up in our lives? It’s good to retell the marvelous works of God in the heroes of the Bible. But we must tell and retell how God has rescued us, has helped us, has shown His grace, mercy and power in our lives. Let’s go back to our salvation, how He miraculously orchestrated events so that we heard the Good News. It was no accident. The Lord wanted you to hear. He opened our eyes and ears of understanding so that we could grasp the Good News of His Love. How about the answered prayer of a friend or family member who prayed day and night for us. We all know of someone who prayed for us. Remember and retell the story of how the Lord miraculously drew us out of the miry clay and out of the grasp of the devil. We know the events as they happened on earth. Imagine the battle in the spiritual for our souls.

Have we been through the fire? Those situations that come upon us either through our own making or not, when we were not sure we’d survive with sound mind or unscathed in body, those times when we saw God’s mighty Hand rescue us. How about those impossible times? All looked lost and all would have been lost had it not been for the Lord. Have the flood waters risen in our lives, drowning out our efforts and our lives had it not been for the Lord? Not only must we remember them, but we must retell them, to ourselves, to our children and to all who will hear.

David spoke to his soul (mind, will and emotions) “forget not all His benefits.” How has God blessed us, not only materially, but physically, spiritually, mentally? David remembers the forgiveness he has received. (Psalms 103:3) God has been faithful because of the Blood of the Lamb to forgive us of all past, present and future sins. He has been faithful to restore our fellowship with Him when we were unfaithful.

He has been faithful to heal us. David asks us to remember the Lord “...who healeth all thy diseases.” (Psalms 103:3) We have to be sick to receive healing. Recall the days in bed, maybe near death, when God’s promise came through and gave us strength to live again.

“Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;” (Psalms 103:4) Recall the great temptations that would have certainly destroyed us. But the Lord’s lovingkindness and tender mercies surrounded us and helped us endure to the end.

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.” (Psalms 103:5) Remember how faithful the Lord has been providing for all our needs in times when there was no possible provision. He has provided from all the resources He has. There’s no need to go into debt or to borrow. We are the lenders, not the borrower. He provides. He is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our provider.

“But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children's children;” (Psalms 103:17) Remember the Lord’s benefits and express reverent love for the Lord. There is a promise for us, for our children and their children.

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