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  • Writer's pictureY.M. Dugas

Sleep in Peace

“How long will you people insult me? How long will you love what is worthless and go after what is false?” (Psalms 4:2)

This is the Scripture that the Lord wanted me to study. The psalm has always been attributed to David, but modern Bible scholars don’t accept that. At first glance and taking it out of context, it seems that the Lord has replied to the author’s plead to speak to him. But in accepting that David is the author, he is speaking to those in the court of Saul and his own son Absalom who betrayed him.

It has been reported that those in the court of Saul were jealous of David. There seems to have been a spirit of jealousy in Saul’s court. This young warrior was making them all look bad. So, when Saul sought to kill David out of jealousy, they gladly all joined in. There was only one who loved David and helped him, Jonathan, Saul’s son. He knew that God had given David Saul’s crown. In the King James Version (KJV), the Scripture reads: “ long will ye turn my glory into shame?” which has been translated in the Good New Bible (GNB) into “How long will you people insult me?” The KJV gives a better understanding of what was happening. All of David’s victories in battle were ridiculed and downplayed in Saul’s court.

It was common in the Old Testament for men to boast of their accomplishments. David usually gave glory to God for his victories. But in this instant, he is offended and speaks about his glory. “So then, as the Scripture says, "Whoever wants to boast must boast of what the Lord has done." (1Corinthians 1:31) It is human nature to want to boast of our accomplishments, after all, some things take a lot of effort and time on our part. But we must remember that we cannot accomplish anything without the Lord. He gives us the ability, the wisdom and the strength of do things excellently.

Evidently, there were lies told about David. And he questions his slanderers as to how long they are going to believe lies. “No more lying, then! Each of you must tell the truth to the other believer, because we are all members together in the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:25) When we hear something questionable about a brother or sister in Christ, we must not indulge in participating. It is sin. It tickles the ears and we want to hear more, not in sympathy or concern, but to make ourselves feel better. It is demonic. Do not allow yourselves to be contaminated by that spirit of satan. Jesus had a discussion with those in the temple. “You are the children of your father, the Devil, and you want to follow your father's desires. From the very beginning he was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies.” (John 8:44)

Lying is part of the old man that has been crucified and put to death. It belongs with the old nature and isn’t appropriate for the new nature, the new creation created holy and pure by the Holy Spirit. “Do not lie to one another, for you have put off the old self with its habits. “(Colossians 3:9)

David goes on to say in that psalm: “There are many who pray: "Give us more blessings, O LORD. Look on us with kindness!" But the joy that You have given me is more than they will ever have with all their grain and wine.” (Psalms 4:6-7) David enjoyed the Lord’s joy because even though he sinned, he repented, and God honored that. But here he speaks about those who beg the Lord for blessings and offer all their grain and wine sacrifices. He is saying that it’s all for nought because of their lies. James harshly rebukes those who live a life of ease at the expense of others. “And now, you rich people, listen to me! Weep and wail over the miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches have rotted away, and your clothes have been eaten by moths. Your gold and silver are covered with rust, and this rust will be a witness against you and will eat up your flesh like fire. You have piled up riches in these last days. You have not paid any wages to those who work in your fields. Listen to their complaints! The cries of those who gather in your crops have reached the ears of God, the Lord Almighty. Your life here on earth has been full of luxury and pleasure. You have made yourselves fat for the day of slaughter.” (James 5:1-5)

When we do our best and leave the outcome to the Lord, we can have peace. We can sleep at night. David experienced this. He ends this psalm telling how he has peace because God is in control. “When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace; You alone, O LORD, keep me perfectly safe.” (Psalms 4:8)

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