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  • Writer's pictureY.M. Dugas

Always with Us

"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5)


Paul has a way of saying things in a way a parent or teacher would speak to us.  In a vernacular that is more direct he is saying to us, “What more would you want or need?  You have Jesus who will never leave you.” Yes! Jesus is all we need. Throughout the Bible the Lord is comforting His people with His presence. And He has to tell us because we forget.  We know it, but we forget.


It seems like a contradiction.  We know that we know that the Lord is with us.  We have His promise that He will never leave us.  Yet, at that moment in crisis, we forget and act like we’re responsible and able to take care of the crisis.  And if we know we’re not able, we panic forgetting that the Creator Himself, our heavenly Father, our Savior Who lives forever more and the Holy Spirit who rose Jesus from the dead are with us.  God is with us.  The Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are with us.  We can speak like God speaks, in the plural, “we.”  “We” go here and there because wherever we decide to go, God goes with us. It’s not that He sees us at all times like we’ve been told.  He is with us, indwelling. 


While it’s only the Holy Spirit indwelling, I say God the Father and Jesus are also with us because They are One, in constant fellowship, agreement and unity.  Like John recorded what Jesus said: “Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?” (John 14:9) The disciples of Jesus didn’t understand everything Jesus said to them.  And we don’t either.  We gloss over the Scriptures, not really getting to what was really being said by Jesus. No worries. We’re all guilty, but the Holy Spirit Who dwells in us will reveal it to us when we ask Him.


Yes! It’s something to get excited about.  But of more amazement is that the Lord is more excited about our growth in the knowledge of Him. The knowledge of our Lord is eternal.  We cannot know it all, but we can know more of Him than we did before. Sit before Him. Sit at His feet and learn. The vastness of His goodness and greatness we have barely scratched the surface.


We can get lost in the knowledge of our Lord because one Truth leads to another Truth. But we will return to the Truth of His presence with us always. People we are not alone.  When I was single and didn’t know the Lord, I knew loneliness. Yes, I had friends and boyfriends.  I went out to eat and dance.  But when I got home, I was alone. Loneliness is a terrible hollow feeling. With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and constant presence of the Lord, a believer is never alone.  He is with us.  We are together always. What could be a more beautiful thing than to speak aloud with the Lord?


Those who don’t know the Lord will sneer.  What? You talk to God? Yes! And what’s more, He speaks to me! As a matter of fact, we carry on whole conversations. And they will be ready to commit me to the crazy house. But brothers and sisters, God is real. He wants our acknowledgement of His presence, always.  He is holy.  And He says to us, “...Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1Peter 1:16) We cannot be holy on our own.  Like Moses returned from the Lord’s presence, glowing of the presence of God, we will exude His holiness from being in His presence. It’s only as we are with Him just as He is with us.



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