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  • Writer's pictureY.M. Dugas


“Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)


After the Last Supper, Jesus washes the disciples’ feet and then teaches them some last things before going to the Garden of Gethsemane where He knows He will be arrested. Starting in John 13:31 and through chapter 16 Jesus covers a lot of ground teaching His disciples some last things. Then in chapter 17 He begins His high priestly prayer which is an intercessory prayer.  He prays for Himself, His disciples and then for all believers.


In our verse of study, Jesus prays “Sanctify them.”  Make them holy He prays. Purify and consecrate them. We cannot sanctify ourselves. It’s the work of God in us. Many try in their own strength to be holy, to be righteous and do the right things, but it’s impossible.  We cannot because we are not holy. Lots of people would argue that point, but if we’re still on this earth, we’re still in this flesh which is not saved. To prove the point, wouldn’t we be outraged and want revenge if someone senselessly took your child to be trafficked. This is the most heinous thing I could think of. Yet, it happens and is happening.  But if it happened to us, wouldn’t we swell up with hatred toward these vicious and horrible people? In no way did Jesus say that vengeance was His except only in certain cases. And nowhere does Jesus say hate a person.  We are to hate the sin not people. So, we are not holy in our flesh. When Jesus was illegally and brutally crucified, He never hated His persecutors. “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted His raiment and cast lots.” (Luke 23:34) Can we honestly pray that for traffickers who traffic children?


Our spirit which is reborn of God is holy. The Holy Spirit is in constant communication with our human spirit. And it’s our human spirit which influences our mind which in turn influences our emotions and will to do what God wants us to do. Jesus prays that the Father would make us holy through His Truth.  He further says, “Thy Word is Truth.”  I think He said this for our sakes. He said it so that it would be plain and clear that it’s God’s Word that sanctifies us, makes us holy and purifies us. “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) We need an interpretation of the King James translation. And there are many other versions which are easier to read, but I use the King James because I can search words to find their original Hebrew and Greek meanings. The words quick and powerful mean that God’s Word is alive and able to do what it says. It has the power to cleanse us by influencing our mind and changing it. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2) We renew our minds and it’s transformed by the Word of God. So when a believer keeps sinning the same sin, over and over, it shows that his mind is not renewed in that area yet and probably because they need the Word of God applied to them. And that is the dilemma of many believers.  They cannot stop sinning because they lack the Word of God.


The flesh will always flare up with what it wants and craves. Some cravings are not as offensive, like wanting a chocolate shake every day. It’s not good for our health, but it’s not morally offensive, so we dismiss it and don’t realize that even denying the flesh this little thing will reverberate in our spirit and is a win for us spiritually and for God. That’s what a fast is. It’s denying the flesh and having dominion over it instead of the other way around. And speaking about fasting, denying the body food, an essential to live, we teach ourselves to have dominion over the flesh and its desires of other things which are sinful. It makes us spiritually stronger so that the spirit of man can have more influence over our minds, emotions and will. Do you want to have dominion over the flesh? Then fast regularly. If this is hard for you, try fasting only one meal a week with the intention of progressing to fast a whole day or a couple of days or more as the Lord guides.  This is an important thing.  We should fast as the Lord guides.  When the Lord tells us to fast, He helps us and the fast is not as difficult.


I’m always surprised how the Holy Spirit unfolds the lessons.  He makes the connections and teaches me and I’m hoping it’s teaching others which is the only reason I have put these short studies on blogs, the podcast and Facebook. In this lesson we learned how we get sanctified. It’s a work of God through the Word of God. So I urge all the brethren to read the Word of God daily. And we also learned how to have dominion over that sinful flesh.  Fasting is not a favorite subject for anyone. But it’s a win when we do it.






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