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  • Writer's pictureY.M. Dugas

Sin, Spiritual Leprosy

“The priest shall examine you again. If he finds that it actually has covered the whole body, he shall pronounce you ritually clean. If your whole skin has turned white, you are ritually clean.” (Leviticus 13:13)

This is such an unusual verse, even for the Bible scholar. But this is the verse the Lord (Adonai-Master) wanted me to study. Do I understand it? Not yet. But we will study it and see what God the Holy Spirit will reveal to us.

This verse is part of the Law; the do’s and don’ts that the Jews must follow. When a person had leprosy, he had to show himself to the priest. The priest would examine him/her and declare them clean or unclean. In this particular verse, the Law tells what the priest should declare if the whole skin was turned white.

Leprosy is an infection which causes numbness and an absorption of cartilage, eventually causing deformation of toes, feet, fingers and feet. It was prevalent in ancient times because of the lack of medications. The lepers kept to themselves and infected each other with different strands of the infection. It begins with a lesion after five years of being exposed.

Today there are treatments in the more developed countries. But in third world countries, it’s still prevalent where people are exposed to infected animals. It’s also spread globally through the illegal sale of exotic animals and illegal sale of delicacies which might be infected with the bacteria that causes leprosy.

Now that we’ve learned about leprosy, let’s learn how the LORD (Jehovah) kept the Jews from spreading leprosy and what correlation to our spiritual life we can make.

In Bible times, leprosy was greatly feared. The leper was cast out of town, away from people. If they came across a healthy person, they were to yell, “Unclean, unclean!” so that others wouldn’t come in contact with them. Because they were exiled outside of their communities, they had no way of helping themselves; no work, no food, no amenities that the healthy community had. They had no way of healing. But Praise God! Jesus comes on the scene and heals lepers.

“A man suffering from a dreaded skin disease (leprosy) came to Jesus, knelt down, and begged Him for help. "If You want to," he said, "You can make me clean." Jesus was filled with pity, and reached out and touched him. "I do want to," He answered. "Be clean!" At once the disease left the man, and he was clean.” (Mark 1:40-42) When I first read this Scripture, it stayed in my heart for several reasons. First, Jesus touches the leper. Jesus gives him what he needs; human touch. Once a leper, no one touches you. But Jesus in His compassion, touches the leper, what he really needed more than healing. Then Jesus tells him, “I do want to.”

Religion has taught us that God is up high and apart from man, but the Bible teaches that God loves us, has compassion for us and wants to be with us. God wants to show Himself strong when we are weak. He wants to show Himself able when it’s impossible. It goes back to faith. Abraham pleased God because he believed God. Faith always pleases God. “No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6) He wants us to believe in those impossible situations and circumstances in our lives. He wants us to believe that He wants the best for us.

Are you a leper? Sin is spiritual leprosy. It defiles the whole body and soul. Jesus says to us, “I do want to.” I do want to heal you. I do want to deliver you. I do want to save you. I do want you with me. I do love you. I do care for you. I do want the best for you. “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” (Jeremiah 29:11) God spoke through Jeremiah to the people of God. In previous studies, we learned that we are the people of God along with the Jews, when we make Jesus, the Promised Messiah, Who came to die for the world, our Lord (Adonai-Master) and Savior. The promises He made to them are ours. Do you have the faith that pleases God. It takes faith, believing what God says in the Bible, to be saved. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

We cannot even scratch the surface of God’s mercy and grace toward us. We think in earthly terms. We always feel we have to do something. But God’s realm is far beyond our understanding. He wants us to yield to Him and let Him show Himself strong for us.

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